Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tawes Museum

Tawes Museum
Planning a trip to Crisfield? Don't forget the Tawes Museum, named after Governer J. Millard Tawes, the 54th Governor of Maryland.  Governor Tawes served from 1959 - 1967.

Rear of museum...

From the rear, there is a beautiful view of Somers Cove Marina. During warm weather be sure and visit the crab shanty. A live crab-cam is available at the museum's web site during crabbing season.

Curator Tim Howard poses beside a bust of Governor Tawes.

Tim and Crisfield Mayor P.J. Purnell chat inside the entrance of the museum. The museum partners with Road Scholar. Call Tim for info.

The Tawes Library, the original home of Governor Tawes, is available for group use or tours and is the starting point of our annual Christmas home tour. Call Tim for details.

Governor Tawes memorabilia, including his original desk, are on display at the library located a short distance from the museum.

If you like history you will love Crisfield!

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