Our Friday "My Town" shoot out comes to us from Debby in Germany. She chose "Colors of the Rainbow." That was a good one for me because Crisfield is a happy and colorful place. I like to think Crisfield is, "The pot at the end of the rainbow."
The colors that make up a rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and gold, if you count the pot at the end of the rainbow. I chose photos that had at least one color of the rainbow in them. The reason is noted. A few of the photos you have seen before.

And a few more colors to make you smile.

For me to follow
To get beyond my sorrow
Thunder precedes the sunlight
So I'll be alright
If I can find that
Rainbow's end
I will be alright
If I can find that." `
Mariah Carey
Such great colors! Loved each photo. You live in such a colorful place, Patty.
Oh Patty, you did indeed make me smile! I love them all, but the green door and the yellow sun are particular favorites!
YES! I am also having trouble scheduling posts. It is driving me crazy! I wish that I know how to contact the administrator so that I could provide "feedback" on some of the issues with the site!
Great pics - how fun!
Love these!
Oh, and the pink car...my friends and I were just talking about how some of us had pink Ramblers! *laughing*
They do make me smile. Thanks for them.
Nice! Love the canoes and the green door especially!
I like them all, very good Patty H
Wow some awesome shots Patty! Love the last one and love the door. The pink building caught my eye too! Now I want some cake!
Yes, they did make me smile. Love them. Sorry I was sort of off this week. No rules right?
oh my goodness! awesome post! my favs are the green door, the graduation robes and the girl in front of the pink wall. fantastic!!
The line of workers walking out the wharf towards the crane made me think of the Seven Dwarfs singing "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go!" Fun pics.
Love the Rainbow theme.... You certainly outdid yourself with this one!! Love it!
If you haven't visited my blog I am having a Quick 3 day give-away! Stop over & leave a comment to enter!
I loved the shot of the ripple effect in the sky and the purple shadow of the girl. Another knock 'em out of the park effort Patty!
Patty, I just knew when I chose the subject for this week's shoot out that it was made just for you, and I knew you would come shining thru and not disappoint us. And I was right! LOVE the colorful kite, and the pink car, but my vote goes to the little girl and her shadow against the pink wall!! LOVE that shot. You done my subject good, girlfriend!! :-) ciao, Debby
Great colors! I'd go after that tire any day.
Rainbow kite. The dancing grads have a story in their expressions. We can always count on you for a crab or two....I need to go back and check to see if you always sneak one in as a hidden signature thing. I love it.
Your photography puts rainbows in people's hearts. Your camera sees people's personas or I think you are gifted at knowing what I the viewer can relate to when you are busy shooting your townsfolk. Did that make sense? The shadow of the girl on the pink wall, the indigo eye shadow, the men walking down the pier, they all have a familiar context. I love that you can capture that! Bravo! Enjoy your weekend!
I forgot to tell everyone to look on the sidebar for links to other Friday shoot out sites. I am still working on assignments, so I will get around to everyone this weekend. Also, for real time (almost) links go to our general info site. Thanks to Gordon for keeping up the list. If you don't see you name, he will get around to it.
You're right, you do live in a colorful place!!! Very imaginative photos! I think that's my favorite part about the shoot out...the different ideas that people come up with!
I loved the boats!
Huge smiles here!
So colourful, so vibrant.
Loved the green door ...the red tyre rim ...the graduation ...
and that totally gorgeous man with the blue towel and the steamed clam sign .... is he single?? hehe
Patty, these were just too cool. I love the pink car, the green door, the yellow sunset, the red canoes...
very very nice.
Ahoy there,
We, the fierce some pirates can spy from yonder a fair lady with a telescopic looking weapon shooting us. It's been months since we set sail from Down Under little islands of New Zealand. We need a civilized cooked food of soft shell crabs and we can do with some kind hospitality from that woman giving out leis.
Patty, Our school will be doing a pirate production, so you may well see a pirate ship crewed by 5 to 11 year olds coming your way. My room is next to the music room so I can hear them rehearsing.
Thanks for your nice comment.
I like it the way you have a different color for each photo Makes me think that I am not very imaginative thinking I must have as many color as possible in each photo.
Wow, the first photo really amazed me and I have to scroll down the mouse to see more of your rainbow color shots. I like the yellow sun and that green, red yellow house! Do I need to mention all?
Ooooh Love the door and the tire!
Thanks for stopping by my page as well!
Wonderfully spectacular, Patty!!!
I tried to select a favorite or two...but I love them all!
Such character!
Thank you so much for sharing!
I just loved the pink concrete block building - even if pink isn't an official 'rainbow' color, it is my favorite. Thanks for stopping by to welcome me.
If this were a photo contest, your filtered sun would have taken all honors. I'm using it on my desk top as background. Your shots are always top notch.
I think I'm about to get caught up.
Check ou the My Town Blog Forum/Cat post. Interesting suggestions.
Thanks, Patty, for all you do. Gordon
These pics are great. I love the kite and the filtered sun pics the best. That little boys facial expression is priceless. lol
Hi Patty, wonderful pics, for sure. I am also partial to the green door, and the little girl near the pink wall. Smiling furiously! :D xx♥
Obviously you do what you do because you have so much talent! Come back, my 'real' rainbow post is up!
You do make folks happy and you do colour their lives. Keep going!!
wow, Patty, your town sure is colorful!!! I noticed you had a firework shot in there, that's what I just recently posted about! I hope to one day be blogging about Myrtle Beach, my favorite place where I hope to one day live. Anyway, lovely pictures, as always. LOVE the one of the door, such great color!
you were very creative, as usual, in your presentation. it IS always a joy to visit. :-)
the GREEN DOOR blew us away!
other favorites were the ROBES, the CANOES, and we did flip=flops over the BLACK LIGHT show (we love movement-trails second only to texture)
there IS one thing that confuses us, you say that Crisfield is the pot at the end of the rainbow.
fer real? :-0
really? sheesh! no wonder we can't find a doob in the Apple these days! :-(
thank you, love . . .
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