Monday, July 16, 2012

Weather Channel forecast for Crisfield for July, 17-18, 2012: 105 to 109 heat index.

Weather Channel forecast for Crisfield for July, 17-18, 2012
 Tue Jul 17

Partly Cloudy
99° - mostly sunny - change of rain: 10%
Wind: SW at 9 mph - UV Index: high

Wed Jul 18

Partly Cloudy
97° - Chance of rain: 30%
Wind: WSW at 11mph - UV Index: high
***Stay cool with an umbrella...
 Don't forget to carry plenty of water if you go out...
 Hats help keep you cool...
My favorite way to cool off is to hit the beach, which is where I will be.
If you have a boat, take to the water.
Thursday, July 19, it will cool down to 91, with a 50% chance of rain. The good news is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the temps will be in the low 80's.

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