Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feel Great Fitness Center gym in Crisfield

Time to start working on those New Year's Resolutions
OK. We ate too much, we drank too much, but that's what we tend to do towards the end of the year. Shoveling it all in during the last few weeks of the year is practically a tradition. And it is devilishly enjoyable. The stores that once prompted us with candies and cakes now hawk diet products as we walk in the doors. Soon, Valentine's candy will sneak in to greet us, and when that holiday is over-  oh, sweet week of love, the stores will pull the old switcharoo on us.

For now, we are all working on our New Year's Resolutions. Yes, they last about a week, and you know what they say about good intentions? My New Year's resolution is to come up with a good filing system for my photos so I don't have to spend hours looking for something I saw 2 days ago. Two of the top New Year's resolutions that people put on their lists are to stop smoking and lose those extra pounds they put on over the holidays, and of course to get in shape for the coming spring. For those of you who want to lose weight and get in shape, you might want to think about joining a gym. They give you that extra incentive you need to stay with a routine. 

We have a few gyms in Crisfield, and I recently took some photos for the Feel Great Fitness Center that I would like to share. Give them a call at 410.968.3777 and get ready for spring!  For more info on the gym, check out the archives in the Crisfield-Somerset County Times - December 22, edition.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Patti,

I dread the word exercise. Today, I look at my photos and have to agree with my husband that I am 6 months pregnant. For the last decade, one kilo a year crept quietly up.

Yesterday, I went on a short hike, part of the way down, I sat on my bottom and slid down.

Happy New Year.

aurbie said...

Ann, you are too funny. How is the weather in your part of the world? We are freezing here. I will be happy to send you some of our snow.

HAPPY 2011!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I really need to have my butt in a gym! Why is it I cannot find the time or energy?

aurbie said...

Noe Noe: Think thin!