Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fund Raisers at the Crisfield American Legion

Fund Raisers at the Crisfield American Legion
I am a little late in bringing you these photos because frankly, I lost them. Then I got busy. Then my computer died (December 28), but as many of you know it was returned last week with all my files still in tact, thanks to my son. While I was looking for something else that I lost I found these two photos, taken  during Christmas.

I am proud of the work of not only the Crisfield American Legion, but of all of our organizations. They don't need holidays for reasons to crank up a fund drive. They are forever giving back to the community, and we are blessed to have them.

Members donated food to the David Price memorial food drive. We all miss you, David, but your work continues.

A table overflows with goodies and essentials bound for Afghanistan.

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