Wednesday, January 12, 2011

C. Eugene Mills

C. Eugene Mills
"He kept at true good humor's mark
The social flow of pleasure's tide:
He never made a brow look dark,
Nor caused a tear, but when he died."
~ Thomas Love Peacock

I normally keep on top of things in our town, but today I found out that one of our finest citizens passed away on January 8. Mills spent sixty-five years with the Crisfield Volunteer Fire Department where, over the past several years, I had the honor of photographing him at the fire department's annual award's banquet. Hill was a sweet kind man, and a loving husband and father who gave back to his community throughout his long life. He will be missed by all.

Please visit Bradshaw Funeral Home to send condolences to his family.

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"But sound aloud the praises, and give the victor-crown
To our noble-hearted Firemen, who fear not danger's frown."

~ Frederic G.W. Fenn, "Ode to our Firemen," 1878


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Prayers of comfort for the family.

Jackie said...

Thank you for posting this...An honorable man, and my condolences to his family...