Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sometimes the light is just right

Everywhere is something which could be beautiful. You must only to see and to know what and how to take off, to crop from the infinity. Abstract, fine art, nature, landscape and portrait photography. ~ Florin Constantinescu

I walked into the bathroom the other day and could not resist the lighting.


Unknown said...

very cool shot Patty!

have a Happy New Year!!

HaQeeM said...

beautiful...i like it..=)

~ HaQeeM ~

HalfCrazy said...

As usual, a great shot. If I'm not mistaken, that yellowish color, it's Amber, right? Haha I love that kind of color!

Bagman and Butler said...

Understandably. A perfect still life. But what does that dial measure?

Barry said...

The light was perfect. The photo just glows!

aurbie said...

Butler and Bagman: The photo is of an antique scale. If you would believe the dial it is holding a basket containing soap - together they weight five pounds. Actually, the scales are about 2 pounds off. I bought the scales a few years ago at a yard sale. The glass was broken so I had a piece of smoked glass cut for it.

Not quite sure how to get the scales to read right, or if that is even possible. When I bought it read 2 pounds.

aurbie said...

Halfcrazy: Yes, that is a golden light. A hard light to catch in the right place. I was rounding the hallway and it looked like someone had turned the object into gold. Or at least part of it. I ran to get my camera and hoped I could make it back upstairs before the shade took over more of the face of the dial.

Before I got back the star had lost some of its glimmer.

Good to have you back!

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

This is an amazing shot!! Happy New Year!! I hope all is well with you and the folks of Crisfield. I'm still adding to my "Nikon Camera" fund - thanks for all of your input!