Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pardon My Intrusion...

Click on photo enlarge.

We took an evening spin around the bay and I captured the big guy on the left keeping a keen eye on our boat. What do you keep an eye on?


~JarieLyn~ said...

I keep an eye on my husband....haha. Just kidding.

Love your photo.

Si's blog said...

My beautiful Annie. She demands constant attention.

Bagman and Butler said...

Those birds are sure watching you! I'm not sure what I keep an eye on. I think I mostly just wander the world through peripheral vision.

aurbie said...

JarieLyn: Yes. Men can come down with that crazy-eye virus sometimes when a pretty lady walks by. One eye just magically follows her and the other is on us. A good bop on the head seems to cure them. Barry, you know all about that. And I'll bet Mark has a lot of lumps on his head.

Si: Now that is sweet. Sounds like my husband. I love all the attention he pays me. But he does have a couple of bumps on his head.

Everyone knows what I keep an eye out for - the perfect photo. After all these years, I have not found it.

A Scattering said...

This is so funny! They really look like they're giving you the once over.

Kathryn Magendie said...

RIght now the deadline for my next novel fast approaching! *eeeek!!!*

aurbie said...

I was ready to duck!

aurbie said...

Hang in there. I look forward to reading your book. Good luck!

Girl Tornado said...

I enlarged the photo... wow, that guy on the left looks pretty intense. Glad you didn't intrude too much, no telling how he would have taken it! Great photo. :)

aurbie said...

Oz Girl: Yes. He was very serious. You have to click on the photo to see he means business.