Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lemonade, Anyone?

I took these photos while I was rushing to an assignment the other day. I was going to put it in my photo piggy bank. But since the Dog Days of August are upon us...

BTW: This little girl is going to donate her proceeds to Step Out for Diabetes. I think she is going to grow up and do great things!

Wanna make your own?

* 6 lemons
* 6 cups cold water
* 1 cup sugar

Juice lemons to get 1 cup of fresh lemon juice. In a large pitcher, mix lemon juice, water and sugar. Stir lemonade well and serve over ice, with a lemon slice or two to garnish.


gigi said...

This is so precious and you know, I've never made my own lemonade. Thanks for the recipe.

Cynthia L. H. said...

Oh! I love this.
Enterprising little business woman with a heart!

Bagman and Butler said...

I'm glad that you and I have stopped posting because now there are more posts from us.

aurbie said...

Butler and Bagman: Heehe. I think I will quit more often.

Cynthia: Thanks. She is a cutie pie.

Gigi: Enjoy your next glass of lemonade.