Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And We All Pitch In...

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves." - Lawrence G. Lovasik

Small towns love to have fundraisers. It is part of their charm. Around here, everyone pitches in for the many fundraisers we have.

Many of you read my recent post about teachers. On Wednesday, some of the teachers at Crisfield High School got a little more education - in the art of waiting tables.

No, they were not moonlighting. They were working a fundraiser for the school prom. With the help of the waitresses at Maho's, teachers worked for tips that went into the prom fund.

Thanks to everyone who participated, and to all those who came out on a wet and windy night to help out the school. We are truly blessed to have so many people who care about our town and our schools. And of course, a big thanks to Maho's and their staff.

More teachers and customers came in as I was leaving, so I did not have time to take photos of everyone. This is just a quick photo study to say, "Thanks!"

Bonnie Crockett, history teacher, carries a yummy looking dish. What is that? Baked ziti? I love baked ziti, and they do it right at Maho's.

Janice Cottman, school counselor, brings out the tip box.

Brittany Howlett, a student at Crisfield High School, brings out a tray of food.

This family looks like they were happy with their service and their food!

Glen Ennis, Vice principal of Crisfield High School, serves up crab cakes and shrimp.

Mr. Ennis serving up two slices of Smith Island cake. Everyone who keeps up with my blog knows about Smith Island cake by now. Our state dessert, for all your newbies.

I like a restaurant that lets me get a peak at their kitchen. Pictured is Mustafa Koltuk.

Janice Cottman waits on Patrick and Heather McHenry, and their daughter. Heather McHenry, seated right, is the school's band teacher. She was recently named Somerset County Teacher of the Year. How cool is that?

Isabella McHenry, already participating in town fundraisers!

Those who did not make it to the fund raiser can still run over to the school and leave a donation.

"Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving. - Hank Rosso


HalfCrazy said...

That is a lovely quote and fundraising is a beautiful idea, that's what I really love about America.

It's so nice to know that everyone feels like helping especially during hard times.

hensly said...

Smith Island Cake... Yum! Kinda looks like Tiramisu. I think that its great that the faculty pitches in to support the Prom. The last quote by Hank Rosso sums it up well!

The Pink Birdhouse said...

What a fabulous idea to help raise money for the prom! I wish that they did things like that over here for the kids. My daughter's class did start something new though a couple of years ago when they were saving up for their prom/graduation dance. They baked cakes, got all the moms to help out too, and then got a stand at the local handcrafts market and sold their goodies and wares. All proceeds went into the prom fund. Since then, other classes have followed suit! I really énjoyed baking all those cookies for them that year, and my daughter had the great idea to bake doggie biscuits for all the dog lovers shopping at the fair, and she sold out!!! Good post, Patty, as always. Debby

Anonymous said...

Nothin' like a good ole' fashioned Community Get-together!!

Bagman and Butler said...

Pancakes!!! Yummy! You could have called this the food photo shootout and killed two birds with one stone. Hmm. I hate that saying about killing birds with stones. I don't think I'll ever use it again. Pass the chicken.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

You're killing me with the crabcakes Patty.....they look and sound so fabulous!!
Awww.....I love the little one sweet is that little face?
See you at the Shoot-Out tomorrow pardner....

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Si's blog said...

Great story and photo essay. After I lose some of the extra pounds that came with our family reunion, need to try some of those delicious looking meals.

Joanne said...

I love these kinds of activities, with their small town charm and lots of fun for all involved. It's nice to hear of people keeping life simple like that.

aurbie said...

Reggie Girl: When you get up this way, you will get your fill of crab cakes. I am ready for the food shoot out. I think. See you tomorrow!

Butler and Bagmna:You are right. With the food shoot out tomorrow, I was thinking about saving these, but I figured the school staff needed their own space for this lovely event. We have chicken for you, too, when you make it out of Charleston. Or at least, I will get someone to save you the bones. Yes, those pancakes did look good (you get an A for clicking on the photos). I was thinking about ordering up breakfast that night.

Marilyn: You said it! I love small towns. Everyone gets a chance to participate in events.

PBH: I thought Germany was into fundraisers. Do you want me to come over and show them how it is done?

Hensly: Thanks. Yea. I like that last quote. Can't waait to see what kinds of food Hawaii has for us in Tomorrow's shoot out.

HalfCrazy: We do know how to pitch in in small towns. Hope you can visit us from the Philippines one day. Can't wait to see your foods tomorrow, too. You, Loida, and Hensly are going to make me envious of all your local produce, I'll bet. Bring on the sweets and produce, folks!

Missy said...

The smith island cake looks so delicious :-) That's a nice idea to have a fund raising for a prom. Your town really has a nice neighborhood. You seem that most of the people there know each other well already :-)

aurbie said...

Missy. Yes. Everyone knows everyone around here. I lived in a small town before moving here, but it was not this small. It is nice to be able to go somewhere and be able to say "hello" to just about everyone. People are very friendly around here.

Si: Come on up. And give a yell when you do. My husband and I will meet you two for lunch or dinner.

Joanne: The simple life is a good life. I think that is what is wrong with America today. People have forgotten how nice a simple life can be.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

That is the best idea!
Baked Zita-yummmmm-one of my favs!
I love it when folks come together for a good cause.

Loida of the 2L3B's said...

Sorry, late..
That must be worthwhile. Imagine the teachers do their share to make the Prom more fun and exciting.. During my time, we always end up paying more to the school in order to have a grand Prom Night. Your place really has friendly people.. I know you are..

Elizabeth said...

This looks like seafood heaven!
and an excellent excuse for a wonderful meal...
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Maho's is the best!