Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Thaw...

Looks like the sun is warming us up a bit after the big storm. It is 22 degrees, 17 days before the first day of spring, and we have icicles hanging from our roof.

Yea, I know. All you professionals are wondering why I did not use a polarizor. My studio is on the top floor, and my polarizor was two levels down, and I was too lazy to go get it.


Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

I think this is a lovely shot. Who cares what professional shutterbugs say anyway, lol?????

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Loida of the 2L3B's said...

Hi Patty,

I thought it was smoke coming from below.. Gee, that icicle might be dangerous when it falls.

The photo of your sky with the sun shining as a backdrop to your icicles really is a good sign of the good day to come..

aurbie said...


It did fall. It is stuck in the ground with three others. If I get brave enough to go out, I will take a photo of it.

Wish that good day would hurry up and get here!

aurbie said...

Missy: Get your camera out and join us. Just shoot was you see.

Michelle said...

Wow, 22 degrees. Burrr!

aurbie said...

Michelle: I think it warmed up to 35 today, but with the sun shinning, and no wind blowing, it actually felt nice out there.