Monday, April 16, 2012

Oyster Recovery Partnership

Oyster Recovery Partnership, Crab Alley in Ocean City
Love oysters? Eat with a conscience.  We just ate at Crab Alley in Ocean City and were happy to find this sign. I have a list of restaurants that work with the partnership program. I will post at a later date. In the meantime, look for this sign on your restaurant door.

 My husband got the raw oysters.

I got Oysters Rockefeller.

We didn't get crab the day we ate at Crab Alley, but it's nice to know they serve Maryland crab. Always check if you want the real deal. Restaurants that serve Maryland crab are proud to display the below sign. No signs? Remember to ask. Don't pay good money for imported or non-sustainable seafood. You can make a difference.


Jackie said...

What a great idea: recycling oyster shells. I never thought of it (but then, I don't eat oysters! :) ) but what a great idea for those who do!
I love the knowledge I gain from my sweet blogging friends.
(And the photos of the oysters make me want to eat oysters...for a little while...and then my "nope" "not gonna swallow that" frame of mind kicks in...sigh. You are a great photographer, Patty!

aurbie said...

Thank you, Jackie. We are depleting our natural resources at an alarming rate. Thank goodness there are organizations and partners who are trying to save us from ourselves. Each individual has a voice. Unfortunately, the "silent " voices speak loudly. I never eat "all-you-can-eat US crabs because it is such a waste. I have seen tons of people order Maryland crabs, sit down to eat, and waste half of them simply because they do not know how to eat them or because they don't want to get their hands too dirty, so they eat the easy parts.

Oysters: My husband loves them raw. I don't like them unless they are roasted or Rockefellered. You sure never see all-you-can- eat oysters!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented! Thank you, too, for having a big heart. Spreading awareness that oyster shells need to be recycled will aid our Bay and help us provide healthy seafood and safer recreation for future generations to come.
All the best,
The Oyster Recovery Partnership