Thursday, April 14, 2011

On a crab boat, etc...

Crabbing on the Eastern Shore
Boy, am I running behind...more so than ever. I have a ton of events coming up, and I am looking at folders on my desktop, labeled Masons, Fire Dept Fund RaiserPhoto show at Arts Council, New York, Misc, Dojo, David Horner Crab Boat, and File Me. Arrgghh.  I am going to make this post simple for me by picking a few photos taken on David Horner's crab boat. Later, I will be doing a slide-show on my day spent on Horner's boat. Several of my other folders will be turned into slide-shows; others will be photo-essays. Stay tuned.

A big thanks to David and crew for inviting me to spend a day photographing them at work.  Our waterman work long hours, six days a week, for the crabs that are enjoyed in restaurants all over the country. They are to be commended for the hard work they do. On this day, we had all kinds of weather, including a storm, but David filled all his crab baskets, so it was indeed a good day.

The photographer retreated to the safety of David's cabin when the storm came. The waterman don't have that luxury. They work in extreme cold and heat, high winds, and rain storms.

David's son. Phillip, is the self-professed "Pelican Whisperer" of Deal Island. He breaks the boredom of the work by feeding the pelicans, who know him well.

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