Thursday, April 21, 2011

Crisfield Church of God Easter Egg Fundraiser...

Crisfield Church of God Easter Egg Fundraiser...
It may be the last day to get your homemade Easter eggs at the Crisfield Church of God, but you can still phone in your orders by calling Wendy at 410.422.4444. I bought a ton of eggs. They are really good, and come in flavors to suit any taste: peanut butter, coconut, butter cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, cherry nut, and M&M. They also have a sampler. Proceeds benefit the Women of Worship.

Please note that this is being posted at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, so if you want some of these tasty eggs, please call A.S.A.P.

Check out the ham and oyster dinner post

Support your local churches - they have great food!

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