Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Masonic Lodge in Maryland - Crisfield

"Whenever or wherever people are in need Masons are there to help. From large undertakings to the smallest of needs, Masons are always there, caring and serving. I have always been interested as to why Masons devote so much time to their Fraternity. A good answer to this question came from a Grand Master who once told me that he enjoys his involvement because it gives him another dimension to living."  ~ Excerpt from speech by Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This past summer I was honored to be allowed to take photos inside the Masonic Lodge in Crisfield, Lodge 147, the building being completed in 1926. The lodge was actually charted in the mid-1800's. Some of you may remember the fascinating photos I posted on this blog.

Last week it was my pleasure to be allowed inside once again to shoot the installation of officers. It was a rare treat  not only because it was fascinating to watch, but because it was the first time in the lodge's history that the press had been allowed to shoot such a ceremony.

I don't have time to run through all the names and titles but I want to thank Worshipful Master Arthur Tawes of the Chesapeake Lodge and Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas M. Velvin, Jr., of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, A.F & A.M. for allowing me to share these photos with you. All photos can be seen on the newspaper web site (see side bar and look for photo gallery). 

Thank you to all the Masons from around the state who were present. A special Hello goes out to the Mason from Bel Air (he lives near our son).

I was both awed and impressed by your professionalism and your pride. You are truly a Band of Brothers.

To the left, Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas M. Velvin, Jr. of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, A.F & A.M., escorts Worshipful  Master Arthur Tawes of the Crisfield Chesapeake Masonic Lodge. Tawes, a 33rd Degree Mason, is entering his 21st year as the Worshipful Master.


J9 said...

How totally cool that you were able to return and get photos of the installation!

A Scattering said...

Wow, you were in sacred territory! My Dad was a Mason, as children we used to tease him about his gloves and apron.

Jackie said...

What an incredible honor!
My Daddy is a Mason...for over 50 years he has been one. I am very impressed with these photos!

Barry said...

This is a good year for Masons, what with Dan Brown treating them so well in his book and with your excellent photos.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Master Mason in Prince Frederick, Maryland. I know many of these people and infact Bro. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Thomas Velvin, Jr. raised me to the third degree. These are some great pictures of the ceremony and I'm glad to see you appreciate this ancient craft.

Anonymous said...

Great photos, I was raise at Chesapeake Lodge #147 in 1988, this photos bring me great honor, and hope that one day be able to return to Maryland and visit. lijavi@hotmail.com