Ordinary snapshots...
“It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter, because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the ordinary.” ~ David Bailey
Nothing ordinary about your shots, my friend...look at the lines!
You have such an artistic eye.
Thanks for all the wonderful photographs you share with us...
And yet your snaps are far from ordinary! I especially like the lines in the last one. Hope you are doing well!
You can tell from the photo is it was taken by a skilful person or by an amateur one. I can see the curtains of your photos fallng down nicely.
Hi Patti,
Are you interested in a little car? An Austin Minor? I saw one yesterday, and took a photo because I have a story to go with it. and I thought of you.
Exquisite photography.... as always!!
BRAVO!!! Encore!!!
No photograph you take is ever ordinary.
Extraordinary, maybe.
Your photos are always so grand and sweeping. I wish I had such skill and such a camera.
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