Saturday, February 18, 2012

Princess Anne, Maryland wildlife

Princess Anne, Maryland wildlife
“Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such” ~ Henry Miller


Missy said...

wow amazing shot! love the capture of the bird and its reflection

Jackie said...

This is a spectacular shot!
It looks as though a golden spotlight is on him.
Beautiful, Patty. Simply beautiful!!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful image. Well done!

Lew said...

THis is a fantastic image: light, bird taking flight and reflection!

aurbie said...

Missy: thanks. Wish I had seen him sooner. Those are fast birds. You can fly up and down the street next to them and they just look at you. Stop your car and they are off in a flash.

aurbie said...

Lew and Eileen: Thank you both!

aurbie said...

Jackie: I love the warm colors of nature.