Price of gas in Maryland
Going up: After viewing this post, click here to check out some of the March prices around Maryland. Be sure and send me photos of your high-gas prices, no matter where you live.
Going up: After viewing this post, click here to check out some of the March prices around Maryland. Be sure and send me photos of your high-gas prices, no matter where you live.
In 1958, the average price of gas was $.24. In 1987, it had gone all the way up to $.95 cents.
Lets see, gas went up $.71 in 29 years. Math is not my strong point, but something is fishy in the oil barrel.
Average price of gas as of this posting at 12:01 am on 2/27/2012 is...
Now, travel back in time to two weeks ago. Don't forget to check out the March, 2012 prices by clicking on above link.
What I find fascinating about the first picture is the door high up on the wall, with no stairs leading up to it. There has to be a story there!
Cathy: There is a story there. In the old days, cotton, hay, and other supplies were lifted to the top for storage. That used to be quite a busy place. It has been gone for many years.
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