Monday, February 6, 2012

Diving Down Under, literally...

Diving in Australia
"Australia is about as far away as you can get. I like that." ~ Andre Benjamin

25 photos=long load time. Be please patient.
I love that mountain-top runway...

There have been massive floods in Australia that have washed pollutants and fresh water into the in-shore Great Barrier Reef.  Coral is extremely vulnerable to fresh water. The deep offshore reefs seem to be doing well, so keep your dive schedules on target.


Jackie said...

Oh my goodness!! If these aren't stunning photographs, then "stunning" isn't a word. I love the colors, Patty! I'm soooo jealous (I know; I know. I shouldn't be...but I've always wanted to go to Australia. Maybe one day!!) These are gorgeous!!!

Loida of the 2L3B's said...

wow patty, these photos are amazing..! thanks for bringing me far below the surface... miss you!

Tina said...

Patty, You're such a lucky lady to have seen the deep and photographed it too! So beautiful!

aurbie said...

Tina: Thank you for checking out my blog. Hope to see you again.