Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chincoteague, VA oysters

Chincoteague, VA oysters
“He was a very valiant man who first adventured on eating of oysters.” ~ James I, from Thomas Fuller's ‘Worthies of England’

 Chincoteague oysters are extremely tasty.


eileeninmd said...

Great photo, even living in Maryland I can develop a taste for oysters. I prefer crabs.

Jackie said...

Back-breaking work...and what a great shot!

aurbie said...

Eileen: I am not an oyster lover. I will eat them sans bacon, but with spinach. Kind of half 'n half. My husband loves the Chincoteague oysters the best.

aurbie said...

Jackie: Indeed. If people had to do the work, they would not complain about the prices.