Monday, May 17, 2010

American Spirit cruise ship arrives in Crisfield...

“Experience, travel - these are as education in themselves” ~ Euripides

Today, the American Spirit arrived at the Crisfield city dock.  The cruise ship is one of several that dock in Crisfield throughout the season.

Volunteers with the Crisfield Chamber of Commerce always welcome cruise ship passengers with friendly smiles,  crab necklaces, and maps.

Sometimes Crabby Crab is on hand to greet visitors. He was pleased to meet Ray Feasey of Rochester, New York.

We hope everyone enjoyed their stay in Crisfield. We love company!


Shining Windows said...

hey Patty it's Donna, your potential partner in photo crime. i am going to post that link here for the shot i got of you last year in Crisfield...

Barry said...

Looks like fun, Patty. And if Crabby is there it must be a party!