I know Reggie Girl will accuse me of posting her old home again...but I just love places like this.
The crabber in the last photo was picking up some crab pots when I was there, so I took his photo while we chatted about the upcoming crabbing season.
I love talking to the waterman. They are such special people, and they always have interesting stories to tell. Most all of them, like the one in the photo, come from a long lines of working waterman.

Can't you just hear the waves slapping gently at the shoreline as the tide comes in?
I used to live on Dauphin Island in Alabama and my ex and I ran 250 crab pots daily and had a small crabbing business. Sometimes, I miss the coast so very much. Sometimes not.
I love it here in this small town, but Prince and I went back to Dauphin Island in December and it really brought back alot of memorie's. Come good.....some bad. But, such is life, no?
Thanks for this one.......I loved it. I love them all, but this one spoke to me :)
Take good care and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Great pictures, Patty. Yes, I can almost hear the waves lapping at the shoreline as the tide comes in. Crisfield must be a picturesque place.
I don't have waves lapping at the shoreline here, but I have some spring peepers (tree frogs) singing at the pond as I write this. A sure sign of Spring! And my jonquils are about to burst open and bloom, and the forsythia is budding as well. Yay!!!
Have a great evening.
I read your profile and as someone who has lived in Nigeria, and Belize, as well as developed countries, I was fascinated by your profile.
Yes my dearest Patty, I can almost hear the waves and I can even almost smell the saltiness of the sea.. You had made a really good shots and thank you for bringing me to your secret place..
You mean Reggie Girl also came from Crisfield..?
Opps, the tea was stopped from the postal office by the staff explaining that it is not allowed so I just sent you a small mementos of China so you can remember your funny friend from here.. hope my gift reach you well..
Patty, I'd been to your Bread and Salt site and I was really amazed by your works. I specifically like the Watermen of Crisfield and the photo of yourself while taking a break while on assignment in Thailand.. Your short bio is kind of similar to the story written by Danielle Steel, "Message from Nam". I mean the reason why you suddenly feel like sharing the horrible things that war brought to the world and many more.. I really admire you from the bottom of my heart.. And pls consider as one of your fans..
I can hear the waves and smell the salty tang in the air. Golly I miss living closer to the ocean, makes me homesick for NJ. You and Reggie Girl sure do keep me laughing. I love stopping by both your blogs just to see what is new. And hey, as for those Marines knowing how to sew, I won't let my brother know, he is Navy thru and thru, as was my dad! :-)
GustyWriter: Glad you enjoyed my profile. Hope you checked out my web site?
I was truly alive when working under the harshest conditions. I encountered situations on a daily basis that would make most people faint.
Sometimes, when I am shooting small things for my newspaper, and have to stand on chairs or walk around debris, people tell me to be careful. If they only knew.
I look forward to visiting your site.
2L3B: You like that photo of me? I cant believe I ever wore glasses that big. I can't even remember where that was taken. All I knew was that I had been going for two weeks, and I was pooped! It must have been 110 in the shade, too.
Pink Bird House: Yea. Those Navy guys would make fun of a Marine of they knew he could sew.
Reggie Girl is hoot.
Hopefully, you will get back to the Jersey Shore one day, and visit us here in Crisfield.
Renie: We are having a bit of spring weather here today, but more cold weather is on the way. I can't wait to see those little flowers peeping their heads out.
WOW! I love that pictures, Patty!!!
with all those beautiful views..oh , I wanna be there!
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