I would venture to say that the majority of people living in large cities long for the simplicities that can only be found in small towns. In Crisfield, we enjoy those simplicities everyday. You can’t ride down the road without someone waving at you. You can’t go into a restaurant without someone saying, “Hello.” And, as the theme-song from the sitcom “Cheers” suggests, when you go into a bar, “Everyone knows you name, and their always glad you came.”
We retired here from a small town, just to be a little closer to our son. Our town was a bit larger than Crisfield, and one could run errands all day without running into a familiar face. Once or twice a week, friends gathered at one of our favorite places, or had covered-dish parties just to keep the “bonding” going. In a hurry-up world, even in a small town, it is easy to lose touch with friends. But all small towns are not created equal.
Things don’t make small towns. People make small towns. In Crisfield, it is the waterman, the boat captain who runs the mail, the nurse, the person who sells you your heating oil or your insurance, the crab picker, the waiter who brings you your meal, the old man sitting on the bench by the water whose eyes brighten when you say, “Hello.”
This town is rich with history and culture, and a proud people who cherish their past. They have not forgotten who they are.
Law dictates that things must move forward or they die. On the other hand, the things that built a small town can never be laid to waste. They must be pampered and appreciated; dusted daily, and repaired when broken, and never, ever put in a box to be stored like some cherished antique. If not properly cared for, it is easy for a small town to morph into a multiplicity of strip malls, fast food restaurants, and the most dreaded of all, a tourist’s trap with its virtual gobbledygook of storefronts and attractions that blind the senses.
I am proud that this town has not forgotten its roots. We have people who are working to grow our town in all the right ways, while keeping what is cherished the most. Yes, we will grow…but we won’t morph.
I will close by stealing a few lines from “Round Here” by the Counting Crows:
“Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates…”
“Round here we’re carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs…”
Ah, the flavor of small towns.
Below are some teaser photos of the J. Millard Tawes Historical Museum. I was going to post more inside photos, but that would be giving away our secrets. You'll just have to visit us. You can schedule a walking tour, too.
Call: 410.968.2501 for more info.

Below, are three photos taken inside the museum. You history buffs will just have to wait until you can visit to find out more. I ain't tellin'! I can tell you that you will enjoy each and every exhibit.

I wanna go where they're ain't no Walmarts. I'm mad because you are at a place where life remains "un-Walmartized" ;=}.
I used to buy Maryland House products......Sigh!!!!!
Steady On
Reggie Girl
We're here anytime you want to come for a visit. Later on, I will be posting a photo and info on one of our B&Bs. It was named one of the top ten B&Bs in Maryland. You get your breakfast, and I will treat you to a lunch at Gordon's.
Come after the tomato harvest and bring some 'maters. I will trade you some fig preserves for some suthern 'maters.
Be careful what you offer.....you know how "they" say "you just may get it", lol.
Patty, my early Scarlett Globe Radishes are coming up nicely as is my Romaine and Red Sail Leaf Lettuce, my early divider Broccoli and red onions are about 6 inches tall, my Rosemary, Greek Oregano, Parsley, Provence Lavender and Cilantro is looking fabulous. I call that "YAY for horse-poo" terrific.
I will send you some of these things later this summer. I promise. Fig preserves? Aww...I havn't had those since my dear Grandmother who raised me passed away. I would gladly trade you any of my organic veggies for a taste of memorie's.
Steady On
Reggie Girl
That's a date. Figs for whatever. The figs come in late July/early August. We will have tons!
I am so envious of your garden. No one around here dare plant a garden now.
We wanted to put our boat back in its slip at the marina the other day when the temps hit 60, but Mother Nature is not through with us yet.
Radishes - yum.
:) I don't know if you saw my post a week or so ago but I included the Cheers theme in it. I love going to the coffee shop I used to work at; it's like I'm home, like I belong there. I feel that when I go downtown too though. I don't know what it is about Baltimore city; even though I may not run into many people I know, or anyone I know for that matter, I still feel like I do. I'm sitting in a cafe in Canton right now, there's an awesome view of the water and people enjoying the weather. Crisfield sounds great, I was thinking this morning it must be sad to live somewhere you don't really enjoy.
Must have missed the Cheers post. I think every town has at least one "Cheers." The lucky people always find it.
When you hit the city limits here, you have arrived at our "Cheers."
You are right about it being sad about people living places they don't want to live. I guess circumstances keep many people in towns they don't want to be in, but sometimes people are just scared to try something new, and so they waste away, never knowing the joy of "belonging."
How absolutely lovely that a place still exists where people are familiar and know eachother. It sounds dreamy. One day I will visit. I must. p.s. I can't stand Walmart.
Patty........I have a humiliating confession...
I'm apparently a real dumb-butt because I can't figure out how to pick up my award that you bestowed to me. Sorry, but could you help a girl out? Must be the hot-flashes. At least that's what I hope it is????
Steady On.Reggie Girl
Reggie Girl: Can you get to the site? All you need to do is right click on the award and then save it as a file where you can find it. I usually save stuff like that on my desktop so it does not go into one of those Twilight Zone folders.
Lemme know.
Happy Velentine's Day!
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