Saturday, February 27, 2010

Crisfield Watermen

 “The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore” ~ Vincent van Gogh

 Let me reiterate: I admire the captains who work the Chesapeake bay. They are out in all kinds of weather, leaving their homes long before many people go to bed.  I just can't praise them enough, so here is another photo, taken from the dock at Glenwood Evans in Crisfield on a cold and windy day. It was filtered to resemble a painting.

Note: The passing boat in the foreground belongs to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.


Barry said...

I would not want to be out in a boat at this time of year.

Patience-please said...

Beautiful photo. It "feels" so cold. I can't imagine the fortitude of the watermen who go out all winter... ish.

Unknown said...

wow!! I love the look of this. I am sure it is also fantastic without the filters. have a wonderful weekend!!