Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jersey Double Rainbow...

New Jersey Rainbow, Lord Byron quote
“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.” ~ Lord Byron

Note: Around here, we have a place we call Jersey - not on any map that I know of. This is a New Jersey Rainbow. I believe our local rainbow and the one I captured while in New Jersey were a week apart.


Bagman and Butler said...

Wow. You get such great color.

Anonymous said...

Double rainbow in Crisfield Friday evening (9/23). From our vantage point it spanned lower 7th St. to the marina. Unfortunately, no pots of gold at either end.

aurbie said...

B&B: OK, I guess. It was getting dark and I did not have the right camera or lens for this shot. My other gear was back in my car, and I feared I would miss the rainbow if I went back.

aurbie said...

Anon: Not Crisfield. This was a New Jersey rainbow taken on 9/17. Should have specified. Sorry I missed our rainbow.