Friday, May 1, 2009

Help Save the Maryland Cemeteries.

I received the following email today and thought I would pass it on.


I just viewed your Crisfield Cemetery Photos and love them.

I thought you may be interested in the Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites.

We try to help people learn how to preserve cemeteries and strenghen the Maryland cemetery law. Our website is and we are having our Annual Meeting May 9th.

I am interested in cemeteries on islands in Maryland - as they are fast disappearing with the erosion. I was so glad to read and see about the Crisfield cemeteries as we have some members in Crisfield and I have never been able to go there-but it is in my future!

Thanks again.
Amanda Becker


Anyone interested in this wonderful project should contact Amanda at their website.

I told Amanda I would be happy to help them with photos in this area. I will treat Amanda to a crab cake when she comes this way!


Anonymous said...

We have so many abandoned cemeteries here too. Some were on private lands with the families long gone. So sad, so sad.
Happy May Day!

Joanne said...

What a worthwhile cause. There's such a sense of history, and story, in the old cemeteries.

Anonymous said...

I think cemeteries are the same the world over. Once the family is gone, the person buried there in that spot is forgotten. Soon the whole cemetery is forgotten. Ohio has lots of them and some are completely gone or disappeared in underbrush and trees with groundhogs digging up things like wedding bands.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a series of houses on my The Hamlet of Gordon Blog and also Gordon Cemetery.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

This is way cool.

Chef E said...

I almost, and I said the thought crossed my mind as I passed a cemetery for Friday's Shoot I will be trampling around doing more!

Chef E said...

Wait I just realized I missed 'treat her to a crab cake'...okay now with the bribes, lol

aurbie said...

Chef E: Yep. One crab cake coming up. Come on down and visit. Seriously. I think you would get a big laugh out of my kitchen.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It's sad when the cemeteries are just left. Old tomb stones are so ornate. They are part of our History and roots.

On the other side of the coin, in Singapore, the Government allows a body to be buuried only for 15 years. After that, the remains are cremated . Even the dead have no peace.