Having worked for a newspaper, I know there are certain photos required for web-extras, and always one to be used for a feature. No real 'extras' or even 'features' here because, believe it or not, shooting is hard work. A keen eye and quick thinking are required, not to mention the interruptions of taking names. For this shoot, I made it simple, lazy so to speak, and stuck with a few 'snapshots' that were in my line of fire.
The cars started arriving early. This one is my favorite. Since 1971, I have owned 3 VWs. Wish I had kept one. Who knew?
Local restaurants got to show off their specialties.
There was something for everyone...
This little girl takes a peak at her mom's camera after she took her photo. She seems pleased with the results...
This guys prefers to video his food while he is eating it.Get a load of the camera on his hat...
The food was good and photogenic...
Normally, I don't like people to pose for my cameras (grip and grins and people smiling into the camera are no-nos for big newspapers unless the photo will be used with a profile story), but this gal was so photogenic with her smile I didn't hesitate to snap.
Festival-goers had a chance to take a little taste of Clarkesville back home.
I did not stay for the full musical fare but the folk singer was excellent. Reminded me of days in my first VW.
There was steady stream of hungry participants throughout the festival...
Some restaurants inadvertently entertained the lines; I can't flip a pancake but I am a terrible cook. There is an art doing to doing what these chefs are doing.
The lines were steady and moved along well...
Each booth offered up tasty treats or drinks.
For those who were not old enough to partake of wine and beer, or who preferred something more tame, these little girls were in the business of selling lemonade.
My old job. I started to point my camera towards the booth where the lemonade gals descended from. There was a gaggle of excited kids serving up lemonade. Instead, I trained my camera on a photographer who worked for a publication. With so many people carrying cameras these days, how did I know he was with the media? The notepad gave him away. He was trying to get names of several of the children of whom he had just taken a photo. "Left to right." Besides deadlines and bad lighting, that was my most hated duty as a photographer.
Thank you to South State Bank for the nice seating and free water. You can tell by the leaves, they are not fake, that fall is in the air. Ya'll come to Clarkesville and enjoy the scenery!
Canines enjoyed the outing...
If you look carefully at the blue car, you will see a dog checking out the food and fellow canines. I think that is a greyhound. Of course, I was going for the crusin' car. The dog was a bonus.
Finally, a big thank you to the guys who keep us safe. Don't we sometimes take them for granted until we need them? People sometimes we forget that they are our first line of defense in case of an emergency.

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