Tuesday, May 15, 2012

House Where Nobody Lives

House Where Nobody Lives lyrics Tom Waits
"There's a house on my block
That's abandoned and cold
Folks moved out it a 
Long time ago;
And they took all their things
And they ever came back,
Looks like it's haunted
With the windows all cracked,
And everyone calls it
The house, the house where
Nobody lives..." ~ Tom Waits

Not really on my block, but I always find it sad to see old houses sitting empty. As Waits sang, "Once it held laughter, once it held dreams..." Indeed.


Jackie said...

I wish more could be done to restore homes...perhaps less building and more restoration.
These homes have wonderful memories, I'm sure.

ancient one said...

I love photos of old houses, barns, buildings, etc... Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos..